Medicinal Power of Plants- Alternative Medicines and Supplements

Herbs for health are God's gift to mankind. Most people at present prefer the natural way and found herbs as a good alternative.Natural remedies are effective and more safe than chemical or synthetic drugs.

Thursday, March 3, 2016


How To Make  Fresh Healthy MORINGA JUICE


Water 2 glasses or 12 ounces
Watermelon fresh fruit cut into chunks 1medium bowl
Moringa dried powdered leaves 2 to 3 teaspoons


Put the watermelon in the blender machine, add the water and blend it until smooth. Put the Moringa powdered leaves and blend the mixture until it is well blended.

You can put ice for a more refreshing healthy drink.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Cure to 5 Different Types of Cancer

This Green Herb Could be The Cure to 5 Different Types of Cancer Including Ovarian, Liver, Lung and Melanoma

This green plant, the Moringa tree, is also called the “miracle tree” due to its numerous virtues.It is very popular in India, parts of Africa, the Philippines and several other countries, yet it is relatively unknown in countries such as the USA.It’s especially interesting because Moringa is already in common use, not only in herbalism, but in a wide variety of other applications.In India are produced the largest Moringa crop in the world, where it grows natively, which may explain the fact that the death rate from pancreatic cancer in India is a stunning 84% lower than in the United States!This plant popularity is believed to skyrocket as numerous studies find it as a superb cure for the most serious diseases of the modern era.Moringa tree has a long history of use in traditional medicine due to its properties as an anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, antidepressant, anti-diabetes, pain and fever reducer and even asthma treatment.This amazing tree contains numerous powerful anti-cancer compounds such as kaempferol, rhamnetin and isoquercetin. However, newest research found that Moringa contains anti-cancer potential, with positive results so far against ovarian cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, and melanoma in lab tests.Yet, before we praise this beneficial tree for its anti cancer properties, a lot of further research is needed. However, these studies are extremely important as they show the potential for a starting point for a medicine of the future. Moringa supplements in capsules are available in various drugstores or pharmacies nationwide in Philippines.

Moringa oleifera is a multi-purpose herbal plant used as human food and an
alternative for medicinal purposes worldwide. It has been identified by researchers as a plant with numerous health benefits including nutritional and medicinal advantages. Moringa oleifera contains essential amino acids, carotenoids in leaves, and components with nutraceutical properties, supporting the idea of using this plant as a nutritional supplement or constituent in food preparation. Some nutritional evaluation has been carried out in leaves and stem. An important factor that accounts for the medicinal uses of Moringa oleifera is its very wide range of vital antioxidants, antibiotics and nutrients including vitamins and minerals. Almost all parts from Moringa can be used as a source for nutrition with other useful values. This mini-review elaborate on details its health benefits.

Herb That Can Help Quit Smoking

Very common problem among smokers is that they want to quit, but they fear they will gain weight.
But you don’t need for worry. This herb will help you give up smoking without the risk of gaining weight.
Plant from the chrysanthemum family, that originate from Paraguay, which have been used as a natural sweetener for centuries is Stevia. The stevia extract comes from about 150 different species of herbs, in the genusStevia. It's a group of plants related to daisies, asters and sunflowers.The sugar substitute is extracted from the stevia plant. A species called Stevia rebaudiana is naturally grown in Brazil and Paraguay, where it has been used for hundreds of years to sweeten coffee, food and to treat burns and stomach discomfort.
This herb is excellent in the fight against obesity and also helps in the treatment of diabetes and hypertension, and most importantly, it kills any desire for nicotine.It can be used as a mask for skin care, because it nourishes, tightens and makes it smooth. Stevia can also be used to combat acne and effectively acts against dermatitis.Stevia extract has been in use by native South Americans (where it is known as caa-he-éé or kaa jheéé) to reduce weight; to treat wound infections, inflammatory conditions, swelling in the legs and as a tonic to treat depression.
Stevia can be purchased in liquid and powdered concentrates, even though its calorie-free, the plant extract can taste 200/300 times sweeter than the same amount of granulated table sugar.It is available in the form of a leaf, green and white powder and as a liquid. Stevia isn’t necessarily all natural when its industrial processed, because many companies include additional ingredients, but for now there are not enough researches to point to stevia's health benefits or negative side effects.
It does not require much, which means that you can plant stevia in your garden and in pots.
.Health benefits of stevia
  • Stevia herb parts are very low in calories. Parts by parts, its dry leaves possess roughly 40 times more sweetness than sugar. This sweetness quality in stevia is due to several glycoside compounds includingstevioside, steviolbioside, rebaudiosides A-E, and dulcoside.
  • Stevioside is a non-carbohydrate glycoside compound. Hence, it lacks the properties that sucrose and other carbohydrates possess. Stevia extracts, like rebaudioside-A, are found to be 300 times sweeter than sugar. Besides, being a near-zero calorie food ingredient, stevia extracts have several unique properties such as long shelf life, high temperature tolerance, non-fermentative.
  • Furtehr, stevia plant has many sterols and antioxidant compounds like triterpenes, flavonoids, and tannins. Some of flavonoid polyphenolic anti-oxidant phyto-chemicals present in stevia are kaempferol, quercetin, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, isoquercitrin, isosteviol…etc. Studies found that kaempferol can reduce risk of pancreatic cancer by 23% (American journal of epidemiology) [1].
  • Chlorgenic acid reduces enzymatic conversion of glycogen to glucose in addition to decreasing absorption of glucose in the gut. Thus, it helps reduce blood sugar levels. Lab studies also confirm a reduction in blood glucose levels and an increase in the liver concentrations of glucose-6-phosphate, and of glycogen.
  • Certain glycosides in stevia extract have been found to dilate blood vessels, increase sodium excretion, and urine output. In effect, stevia, at slightly higher doses than as sweetener, can help lower blood pressure.
  • Being a non-carbohydrate sweetener, stevia would not favor the growth of Streptococcus mutans bacteria in the mouth which is attributed to be a causative agent of dental caries and tooth cavities. On the other hand, certain compounds in stevia rather found to inhibit caries causing bacteria in the mouth.
  • In addition, being a herb, stevia contain many vitals minerals, vitamins that are selectively absent in the artificial sweeteners.

Saturday, February 27, 2016


Awesome Tea Tree Oil for the Hair

1. It helps treat dandruff, and dry scalp.

2. It assists in hair growth.
3. It prevents hair loss.
4. It makes hair bounce and smoother.
5. It eliminates hair lice.

Try it now: 

Just take a few drops of tea tree oil and mix it with your daily shampoo that you use to wash your hair. Use this shampoo normally.  
smile emoticoHope this can help you.

Solution for Dark Elbows, Neck and Knees

Amazing Mint for Dark Elbows, Neck, and Knees
Mint promotes collagen in the body. It helps maintain an even skin tone and makes skin glow and healthy.
Try it now. 

Boil ½ cup of water with a handful of mint leaves for 2 to 3 minutes. Add the juice of ½ lemon to it, strain and allow the solution to cool. Soak a cotton ball in this solution and rub it on your knees and elbows. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes, then wash it off with warm water. Follow this treatment 1 or 2 times daily until you are satisfied with the results. Hope this can help you smile emoticon

Ampalaya and Its Benefits

Bitter melon



Momordica charantia is a tropical and subtropical vine of the family Cucurbitaceae, widely grown in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean for its edible fruit. Its many varieties differ substantially in the shape and bitterness of the fruit.  source:Wikipedia
Scientific nameMomordica charantia

Ampalaya Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia) also known as Bitter Melon is a tropical and subtropical vine of the family Cucurbitaceae, widely grown in the Amazon, Carribean, South east Asia such as Philippines for its edible fruit. Ampalaya or bitter melon also known as bitter gourd as the name implies has a bitter taste due to the presence of momordicin, and is believed to be among the most bitter of all vegetables.

What diseases can ampalaya cure?

It has been traditionally used to treat diabetes. Bitter melon contains a chemical that acts like insulin to help reduce blood sugar levels. People commonly use bitter melon for diabetes, osteoarthritis, athletic performance, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.
The leaf juice is supposedly a good antitussive (i.e., it stops cough), antipyretic (i.e., for fever), purgative and anthelmintic (i.e., against roundworms). Ampalaya is also used to treat sterility in women and it can supposedly alleviate liver problems. Ampalaya is used as a herbal remedy to protect the liver from damage due to intake of alcohol and other harmful substances. Skin problems. Ampalaya is crushed or rubbed over the skin to alleviate symptoms of psoriasis, ringworm, athlete's foot, wounds, burns and ulcers.

Ampalaya herbal tea. Decoction of tea may be prepared from the powdered Ampalaya or Bitter Melon leaves, seeds and flower.

Ampalaya herbal tea or decoction
Cut or crush a cup of Ampalaya seeds, leaves and flowers
Steep in 4 cups of boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes
Let it cool and strain
drink a cup three times a day.

Ampalaya herbal tea is good to last for one day. Make new Ampalaya herbal tea as needed.

Dried ampalaya leaves, flowers and seeds are more potent, use at half dosage.

Ampalaya or Bitter Melon Juice. 
Ampalaya Bitter melon leaves and fruit (without the seeds) are pounded and juiced to extract concentrated juice. The juice can be taken at a spoonful for adults while teaspoonful for chilren. Ampalaya bitter melon juice can also be added to other plesant tasting juice for drinking. Dosage is 1 tablespoon 2 times a day until symptoms improve.

Benefits of Ampalaya for the Hair

1. It helps reduce hair fall naturally.
2. It gets rid of dandruff.
3. It can give you shiny hair.
4. It helps treating split ends.
5. It can combat dry and itchy scalp.
6. It helps straighten rough and tangled hair.
7. It can prevent oily hair.
8. It helps treating premature grey hair.

Start including this bitter yet healthy beneficial vegetable to your diet, you'll surely achieve these hair benefits.

  • For shiny hair you can mix a cup of fresh bitter gourd juice with yoghurt and apply on your hair. Wash off after sometime.
  • For Dandruff, you can prepare a hair pack by mixing bitter gourd juice and cumin seeds. Regular usage of this pack will rid you of dandruff within a month.
  • For split ends, you can apply raw bitter gourd juice to your split ends and then comb gently. This should be done twice a week to get rid of split ends.
  • For Dry and Itchy scalp, you can rub a fresh piece of bitter gourd on it and massage your scalp in a circular motion. Then, rinse off with clear water. To combat the itchiness, you can prepare a hair pack by mixing bitter gourd juice with either avocado or banana and apply it on your scalp. This should be used at least once a week to get rid of an itchy scalp.
  • For Hair Loss, Bitter gourd juice helps in reducing hair fall naturally. All you need to do is mix bitter gourd juice with a dash of sugar and use this paste on your hair to get good results
  • For rough and tangled hair, you can pour a cup of bitter gourd juice and allow it to soak for 10 to 15 minutes. Then rinse off your hair. This will help smoothen your hair texture and make it soft and shiny.
  • For grey hair, Bitter gourd can also treat premature greying of hair. You can apply freshly squeezed bitter gourd juice on your grey strands. Doing this once in every ten days will reduce the grey hair growth.
  • For oily hair, you should first limit the consumption of oily food. You can apply a mixture of bitter gourd juice and apple cider vinegar to remove the excess oil from your hair.

Counter indications:

When under medications for diabetes, hypertension, heart problems, etc., Taking Ampalaya in medicinal dosages may counter-act or aggravate its effectiveness. It is advised to consult your doctor before using this herb.

Pregnancy and Breast feeding. There is a study that suggests the abortive action of Momordica charantia in large doses during pregnancy. It is recommended to avoid its use more than what is found in food.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Banana: Uses and Its Health Benefits

"Of all trees, only banana have a heart."
"Sa lahat ng puno, saging lang ang may puso.

Scientific Name: Musa sapientum

Common Name; Saging, Kela, Platano, Cavendish, Fen ba jiao

According to Wikipedia, banana may have probably originated from the tropics of America especially southern Mexico where it was first cultivated and was later propagated in other tropical and sub-tropical countries in the continents of America, Australia, Africa and Asia. Description: Banana is commonly mistaken as a tree but it is actually a large perennial flowering herb with leaf sheaths that form trunk-like pseudostems that grows from a corm. Banana can grow up to 7 meters in height that has about 8 - 12 spirally arranged leaves that are up to 2.7 meters long and 0.6 meter wide.
The banana fruits develop from the heart, in a hanging cluster made up of tiers (hands), up to 20 fruit to a tier that ripen in 60 to 90 days after the first flower appeared.


Food: The ripe fruit of banana is used in many ways in the human diet—from simply being peeled and eaten to being sliced and served in fruit cups and salads, sandwiches, custards and gelatins; being mashed and flavored to ice cream, bread, muffins, and cream pies.

Banana puree is used as infant food, flavors to cake, pie, ice cream, cheesecake, doughnuts, milk shakes and many other products. It is also used for canning  with applesauce, and is combined with peanut butter as a spread. Banana nectar is prepared from banana puree.
Sliced ripe bananas, canned in syrup are used  in frozen tarts, pies, gelatins and other products.

The tree can be used as ornamental plants or for fiber. 
Banana fibers can be used as natural absorbent, bio – remediation agent for bacteria in natural water purifier, for mushroom production, they are also used in making of handicrafts, quality paper cards, tea bags, string thread, high quality fabric material, paper for currency notes and good rope for tying purpose.

Banana leaves are widely used as plates and for lining cooking pits and for wrapping food for cooking or storage. A section of leaf often serves as an eye-shade. In Latin America, it is a common practice during rains to hold a banana leaf by the petiole, upside-down, over one's back as an "umbrella" or "raincoat". The leaves of the 'Fehi' banana are used for thatching, packing, and cigarette wrappers. The pseudostems have been fastened together as rafts.

In the Philippines, the Pinatubo Negritos cut off a banana plant close to the ground, make a hollow in the top of the stump, which then fills with watery sap drunk as an emergency thirst quencher. Central Americans obtain the sap of the red banana in the same manner and take it as an aphrodisiac. It is also woven into a thin, transparent fabric called "agna" which is the principal material in some regions for women's blouses and men's shirts. It is also used for making handkerchiefs. In Ceylon, it is fashioned into soles for inexpensive shoes and used for floor coverings.

Medicinal Uses: All parts of the banana plant have medicinal applications: the flowers in bronchitis and dysentery and on ulcers; cooked flowers are given to diabetics; the astringent plant sap in cases of hysteria, epilepsy, leprosy, fevers, hemorrhages, acute dysentery and diarrhea, and it is applied on hemorrhoids, insect and other stings and bites; young leaves are placed as poultices on burns and other skin afflictions; the astringent ashes of the unripe peel and of the leaves are taken in dysentery and diarrhea and used for treating malignant ulcers; the roots are administered in digestive disorders, dysentery and other ailments; banana seed mucilage is given in cases of catarrh and diarrhea in India. Antifungal and antibiotic principles are found in the peel and pulp of fully ripe bananas. The antibiotic acts against Mycobacteria. A fungicide in the peel and pulp of green fruits is active against a fungus disease of tomato plants. Norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin are also present in the ripe peel and pulp. The first two elevate blood pressure; serotonin inhibits gastric secretion and stimulates the smooth muscle of the intestines. The young leaves are also used to lower fever, because of its cooling properties.

Banana is a very versatile plant where all of its parts provides its respective health benefits as used in traditional herbal medicine.

Health Benefits from Banana fruit

  • Banana being rich in fibers, has long been used as demulcent and laxative to improve bowel movement.

  • Banana is used to treat biliousness and heartburn

  • Banana is used to promote lymphatic flow and to stimulate the detoxifying functions of the liver.

  • Banana is used to prevent scurvy

  • Banana is included in diet to help restore health and strength.

  • The flour made from green bananas is used for dyspepsia and flatulence.

  • Ripe bananas combined with tamarind and salt are used to treat dysentery and diarrhea.

Banana trunk and leaf juice health benefits

  • Banana juice is used as an astringent
  • Banana juice is used as styptic to control bleeding.
  • Banana is used to treat fever
  • Banana is used as emmenagogue to help menstrual flow.
  • The mucilage of the trunk is used to promote hair growth.
  • The juice of the trunk is also used for dysentery and diarrhea

Banana leaves and roots health benefits

  • Banana young leaves are used as dressings for skin wounds to treat inflammation.
  • Banana leaves are used as a cool application for headaches.
  • The powdered roots of banana are used to treat anemia and cachexia
  • Banana seeds used to treat inflammation of the mucus membrane of the nose and throat
  • The mucilage from tender roots is used to check hemorrhage in genitalia and air passages.
  • The sap of the roots are used as enema for diarrhea.

Health Benefits from Banana Flower
  • The cooked flowers are used to treat diabetes
  • The cooked flowers are also used to treat heart burn
  • Sap from the flowers are used to treat earaches       
sources: wikipedia; medicalhealthguide 

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