Medicinal Power of Plants- Alternative Medicines and Supplements

Herbs for health are God's gift to mankind. Most people at present prefer the natural way and found herbs as a good alternative.Natural remedies are effective and more safe than chemical or synthetic drugs.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Medicinal Uses of Serpentina Plant

Serpentina Herbs Capsule

This is good for diabetic in regulating or lowering blood sugar. Furthermore it is also known for its antibiotic property making good for infections.

Analagesic– pain killer
Anti-inflammatory– reduces swelling
Antibacterial– has a remarkable effect in reducing diarrhea and other bacterial infections
Antimalarial– helps prevent parasite infection and multiplication in the blood stream
Antihepatotoxic and Hepatoprotective– eliminates liver toxins and protects liver and gall bladder
Antipyretic– reduces fever
Antithrombotic– blood clot prevention. Helps prevent heart attack.
Antiviral– inhibits viral activity including HIV (further studies are being made)
Antioxidant– fights free radicals
Canceolytic– cancer fighter or better to say cancer killer
Cardiopotective– protects heart muscles
Choleretic– increases the flow of bile
Depurative– cleans the system especially the blood stream
Expectorant– releases mucus in the respiratory system
Hypoglycemic– lowers blood sugar and protect against diabetes
Immune enhancer– increases immune system
Vermicidal– kills intestinal worms

It can be used against coughs, headaches, edema, earache, pain conditions, inflammation and muscular pain, arthritis, rheumatism, fibro myalgia, multiple sclerosis, depression, diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, candida, lupus, diabetes, piles, fevers, fatigue, hepatitis, herpes, leprosy, loss of appetite, swollen lymph nodes and other lymphatic conditions, jaundice, dyspepsia, dermatitis, eczema, burns, pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, chicken pox, mumps; sluggish liver, spleen, kidneys and adrenal glands; sleeplessness, and constipation.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Healing Herb: Elephant Grass/ Trompang Elepante/ Kuting-kutingan


TROMPANG ELEPANTE/Kuting-kutingan:

 Wound Healing:






Heliotrine / Alkaloid / Seed:

Immunostimulant Effect: 

 Repellent Effect:


Analgesic / Stem:

Immune Function Activity / Leaves:


Anti-Diarrheal Effect / Leaves:

Analgesic Activity

Diuretic / Leaves:

Antioxidant / Leaves:


Anticancer / Anti-Inflammatory / Antioxidant:


1. Lunas sa overfatigue

2. Gamot sa ubo

3. Pampurga sa baby – hugasan tapos ay ipatong sandali sa pina singawan sa mainit na kanin tapos pigain at ihalo sa gatas ng ina kahit isang kutsara isang araw

4. Binat – Mula ugat hanggang dahon naman ay pwede ilaga inumin para s nabinat


Ingredients and Materials:

1.Prepare 1 to 2 PC of Trompang Elephant Plant with roots and flowers

2.5 glasses of fresh water

3. Strainer

4.Heating or Electric Pot

5. Cutter

Cooking Procedure:

1. First, cut the plant into small parts and wash it thoroughly

2. Second, put it in the pot also with the 5 glasses of fresh water.

3.Then boil it within 10 to 15 minutes.

4.After 15 minutes in boiling, the Trompang Elephant Herbal Tea is perfectly cooked.

5.Put it in the container with the used of strainer and let it cool.

6.After 5 minutes, you can now serve and drink the Tea.

7.You can drink 3 to 5 times a day (for cough: depends how strong of your cough and be sure to consume the tea with in 15 to 24 hours only for the freshness with it.)

8.The tea is very natural healing so no worries about overdoses.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Insulin Plant for Diabetes

Chamaecostus cuspidatus, common name fiery costus or spiral flag, is a species of herbaceous plant in the family Costaceae native to eastern Brazil. In India, it is known as insulin plant for its purported anti-diabetic properties. Chamaecostus cuspidatus has large fleshy looking leaves. Wikipedia

Scientific name: Chamaecostus cuspidatus

Rank: Species

Family: Costaceae

Kingdom: Plantae

Order: Zingiberales

 Insulin Plant extract has been observed to regulate glucose levels among persons with diabetes just by consuming 1 fresh leaf per day. According to a study, the effect kicks in on the 15th day of consumption!

Like any other herbal plant, researchers do not encourage continuous use as it can have adverse effects. 

The literature we obtained recommends taking it for 30 days (2 leaves in the morning, 2 leaves at night for the first 7 days; 1 leaf in the morning, 1 leaf at night from Day 8 to Day 30). You take a break from Day 31 onwards. 

Make sure to measure your blood sugar on Day 1 so you can measure its effects up to Day 30.

Taste-wise, it is much like Kamias. The sourness will dissipate as you chew. The most important part of the insulin plant is its extract, so make sure to chew well before swallowing.

Please share this information with family and friends who might need it. 

Monday, May 31, 2021



✅Blue ternate-is a herb known for its amazing
benefits native to tropical Asia.
✅It has been used for centuries as a Chinese &
Ayurvedic medicine as a memory
enhancer,anti-stress & calming agent.
✅Also known as Butterfly Tea,BlueBell
Vine,Asian Pigeon Wings,Blue Pea.

📍Benefits of Ternate:
✅1.Improves Eyesight
✅2.Improve Hair Growth
✅3.Improve Skin
✅10.Anti-anxiety & depression,etc.

📍How to Prepare Ternate Tea:
✅1.Put 10 dried flowers in a cup of Hot water
for 15 minutes.
✅2.When the petals have no more color,strain
the liquid & throw away the flowers.
✅3.Drink the tea as it is or you can add lemon
grass or a sliced lemon to add more flower.

***Blue Ternate..mixed with rice during boiling will make your rice blue...very palatable

Monday, September 2, 2019


Benefits of Butterfly Pea (Clitoria Ternatea)

Improve eyesight
Clitoria Ternatea contains an antioxidant called proanthocyanidin, which increases blood flow to the capillaries of the eyes, useful in treatment of glaucoma, blurred vision, retinal damage or tired eyes.

Improve hair growth
Rich in bioflavonoids, Butterfly Pea can promote hair growth and reduce greying of hair.

Improve skin
Butterfly Pea’s antioxidants stimulate collagen and elastin synthesis, which helps rejuvenate the skin and lessen wrinkles and other signs of ageing.

Butterfly Pea has been traditionally used as an aphrodisiac particularly for women and used to treat menstruation problems or white vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea).

Flavonoids, anthocyanins and phenolic compounds in Butterfly Pea flowers activate antioxidant activity, which helps decrease oxidative stress caused by disease causing and ageing free radicals.

Butterfly Pea has been shown to enhance cognitive function and boost brain function.

Butterfly Pea promotes normal urination, which in turn lowers blood pressure

Clitoria Ternatea has been used traditionally as a local anaesthetic as it has been shown to help relieve pain and swelling.

Butterfly Pea has a calming effect on the body, reducing stress and anxiety

The deep indigo flowers contain flavonoids. Found in almost all fruits and vegetables, flavonoids are powerful antioxidants with anti-inflammatory and immune system benefits.

It is used in common cold, cough & asthma as it acts as an expectorant and reduces the irritation of respiratory organs.

Anti-anxiety and depression
Indications are that high doses of Butterfly Pea may be adaptogenic – helping the body deal with stressors.

Butterfly Pea has shown to inhibit glucose intake from the diet.

Butterfly Pea is one of the few herbs to contain cyclotides, which have exhibited anti-HIV effects in studies.

Anti-cancer and anti-tumor
Clitoria Ternatea’s cyclotides can cause cancer cell death by disrupting cell membrane integrity.

In several Indian studies, Butterfly Pea exhibited significant anti-microbial effects against Staphylococcus Aureus.

Butterfly Pea has been shown to help reduce the severity and stress on the body from convulsions useful in treating epilepsy.

Clitoria Ternatea can help reduce fever by dilating the blood vessels right beneath the skin, whereby air can cool the blood easier.

Friday, August 9, 2019


The betel is a vine of the family Piperaceae, which includes pepper and kava. Betel leaf is mostly consumed in Asia, and elsewhere in the world by some Asian emigrants, as betel quid or in paan, with areca nut and/or tobacco. Wikipedia

Scientific name: Piper betle
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Piperales

This is the answer to  major illnesses especially today that the medicine is so expensive; here is an herb plant that you can grow in your yard can be a solution . Bethel Pepper possesses so many and effective benefits for sickness.

English: Betel Pepper
Bicol: Buyo
English: Betel
Visayan: Buyok, Buyo-Buyo, kanisi
Ilocano: Samat
Maranao: Namat

Benefits and Procedure:

Diabetes: Chew the fresh leaves, swallow the juice.

PROSTATE: Cancer, Lymphom Cancer and Blood clot= (same procedure) i-blend or grind the leaves, drink 1/4 glass 3x a day for 20days.

DEPRESSION: Chew the leaf, swallow the juice.

BODY PAIN: reheat for a while in the fire and use as a poultice

BOIL: beat or grind and use as a poultice, exchange every 4 hours.

ALZHEIMER'S disease: to chew a leaf daily, swallow the juice only.

PLATELET, ANEMIA, BREAST CANCER and LUNG CANCER: (same procedure) i-blend or i-juicer the leaves. Drink half glass Twice a day.

CHOLESTEROL: a glass chopped leaf, roll in 2 Glass water in 3-5 minutes, consume the remainder.

ORAL  CANCER: Blend or grind the leaves, drink 1/4 Glass 3 x a day.

LEUKEMIA: put in the blender the leaf add half glass of water. Blend, filter, squeeze, drink every 6 hours.

HERPES /RINGWORM:  grind the leaf and apply to the affected area 3 x a day.

PEPTIC ULCER and LIVER POLYPS: (same procedure) blend the leaves, squeeze and drink half cup 3x a day.

BRONCHITIS: Blend or grind the leaves, drink 3 tablespoons 3 x a day.

PAIN in EARS: grind the leaves, squeeze, a drop in the morning and afternoon twice a day.

GASTRITIS: cut the leaf in coconut or olive oil and use as poultice in the stomach. (good for the baby)

PAIN IN THE FOREHEAD: grind with coconut or olive oil and use as poultice on the forehead.

TOOTHACHE: grind the leaves and use as poultice in the hole.

MOUTH SORE: Grind the leaves and rub the juice.

SORE THROAT: Boil the leaf then gargle when lukewarm

DIPHTHERIA, MALARIA and RHEUMATISM: (same procedure) roll the leaves, drink, 2 Cups a day.

Monday, January 28, 2019

The Wonder Herb for Diabetes, Heart Diseases, Blood Pressure & More


Indian snakeroot

Medicinal Plant

Rauvolfia serpentina, the Indian snakeroot, devil pepper, or serpentine wood, is a species of flower in the milkweed family Apocynaceae. It is native to the Indian subcontinent and East Asia. Rauvolfia is a perennial undershrub widely distributed in India in the sub-Himalayan regions up to 1,000 metres. Source:Wikipedia

Scientific name: Rauvolfia serpentina
Family: Apocynaceae
Order: Gentianales
Kingdom: Plantae

Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina), also spelled ravolphia, is a medicinal plant in the milkweed family. The root of the plant is ground into a powder or sold in tablets or capsules. It is a compound commonly used in Asian medicine, which includes traditional Ayurvedic medicine native to India.

The Wonder Herb for Diabetes, Heart Diseases, Weight Loss & More

This plant, Serpentina is widely popular today in the Philippines. This plant brings a lot of health benefits. One of the chemicals in Serpentina is the same as a prescription called reserpine, an indole alkaloid, antipsychotic, and antihypertensive that has been used for the control of high blood pressure, relief of psychotic symptoms and etc. It also labelled as “King of Bitters” because of its extremely bitter taste.


ANALGESIC – pain killer

ANTI-INFLAMMATORY – reduces swelling

ANTIBACTERIAL – has a remarkable effect in reducing diarrhea and other bacterial infections

ANTIMALARIAL – helps prevent parasite infection and multiplication in the blood stream

ANTIHEPATOTOXIC AND HEPATOPROTECTIVE – eliminates liver toxins and protects liver and gall bladder

ANTIPYRETIC – reduces fever

ANTITHROMBOTIC – blood clot prevention. Helps prevent heart attack.

ANTIVIRAL – inhibits viral activity including HIV (further studies are being made)

ANTIOXIDANT – fights free radicals

CARDIOPOTECTIVE – protects heart muscles

CHOLERETIC – increases the flow of bile


DEPURATIVE – cleans the system especially the blood stream

EXPECTORANT – releases mucus in the respiratory system

HYPOGLYCEMIC – lowers blood sugar and protect against diabetes

IMMUNE ENHANCER – increases immune system


SPASMS IN THE LEGS due to poor circulation


NERVOUSNESS, anxiety, insomnia and certain mental diseases: it can depress the central nervous system. It was shown to decrease episodes of agitation, excitement, hallucinations, and withdrawal symptoms.

MENTAL DISORDERS such as schizophenia

THYROID- Serpentina is good for thyroid: Serpentina root extract may ameliorate T4-induced thyrotoxicosis with little or no hepatotoxic effects. It is therefore suggested that this plant extract might be considered for the treatment of hyperthyroidism.

ANTIVENOM or antitoxin for animal bites



To reap all these benefits, our common healing practice is to eat five (5) big leaves of fresh Serpentina or six (6) small leaves, thrice (3x) a day. 

It may also be taken as tea but the infused leaves should be eaten as well three (3x) a day. 

You may start with a few leaves as it takes a while to get used to it.

Despite all its virtues, there should be some caution in taking Serpentina, especially, among the following:

1. Should not be taken by patients taking aspirin or any blood thinner medication since Serpentina is also a blood thinner.

2. Pregnant and lactating mothers should avoid this since Serpentina is an abortifacient. While there is no actual study on adverse effects on lactating mothers, it is better not to risk.

3. Individuals with Auto-immune diseases like multiple sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. should avoid taking this.

If Serpentina is taken regularly and continuously, it is important to note also that it should be limited to only three (3) months for adults and one (1) month for children, whether in capsule or fresh form. It has side effects like swollen lymph glands, serious allergic reactions and elevation of liver enzymes. Too much of everything is unsafe.

What is the side effect of serpentina?

It contains chemicals that have been shown to cause low blood pressure and slow heart rate. Long-term use can cause depression. Other possible side effects of Indian snakeroot include nasal congestion, changes in appetite and weight, nightmares, drowsiness, and loose stools.

When should I take serpentina?

The typical dose is 600 mg/day, taken about 1 hour before bedtime. Since the use of rauwolfia results in a decrease of monoamine activity, those who take this compound should be monitored for the possible onset of depressive symptoms.

Food and alcohol interactions

You can take serpentina with or without food. If you experience an upset stomach, taking this medication with meals may prevent discomfort. In addition, it is important to drink plenty of water.

Do not take serpentina with alcohol. Taking these together may increase CNS depression. Signs and symptoms of CNS depression include drowsiness, sedation, slowed heart and breathing rate, and inability to make decisions.

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